Software Developer

JavaScript • Ruby on Rails • PostgreSQL

About Me

Hi, my name is Rae! 👋 I'm a full-stack software engineering student at Flatiron School. Prior to enrolling, I've volunteered my skills and time to the nonprofit organization, Ruby for Good, where I've built out things like features to improve UI and enable reports for stakeholders and more. Outside of spending my time coding, I love reading, cooking, playing video games, and watching Top Chef like it's a sporting event. Before I started my journey into software development, I was a hairstylist & business coach for salon professionals.


Some of the projects I've done so far include:
A simple recipe application using Rails & PostgreSQL DB with Bootstrap on the front end, deployed on Heroku. This is a work in progress and was my first ever full-stack Rails application, where I learned a lot of CSS rules, DB management, and how to create custom rules for things like "favoriting" something and simple user permissions.
Ruby for Good contributions, which use Rails & PostgreSQL, which you can view a couple of here and here. Contributing to Ruby for Good taught me a lot about navigating a code base that was already written and working in tandem on pieces of a larger project. This has also enabled me to effectively make necessary code changes requested of me and communicate where I am in the process.

Contact Me

If you like what you see and want a driven and fun new member of your engineering team with some cool hair and adorable cats, here's where to find me: